A Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

Booths & Sponsorships


Thursday Reception Sponsor – $600 (6 available)

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement as a Thursday night reception sponsor.
  • Full Conference Registration for ONE individual.
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program
Thursday Lunch Keynote Sponsor – $1,500 (1 available)
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement at the Thursday Luncheon
  • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at the start of the luncheon program
  • Opportunity to introduce the keynote luncheon speaker.
  • Company name and logo recognition displayed at the luncheon
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Company listing in conference program

Thursday and Friday Breakfast Sponsor – $500 (3 remaining)

  • Company name and logo displayed on signage during continental breakfast
  • Company name and logo recognition displayed at the breakfast tables
  • Full Conference registration for ONE individual.
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program

Thursday and Friday Break Sponsor – $500 (5 available)

  • Company name and logo displayed on signage during conference breaks
  • Company name and logo recognition displayed at the attendee tables during the break
  • Full Conference registration for ONE individual.
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program

Break-out Room Naming Rights $750 (1 available)

  • Your company name will be listed as the break-out room on signage at the room 
  • Your company name will be listed as the room in the program brochure (i.e. ABC Architects Room)
  • Ability to introduce one breakout speakers.
  • Full Conference registration for ONE individual. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee.
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program

Wednesday Night Opening Event  – $500 (SOLD OUT!)

  • Sponsor our conference opener on Wednesday evening (event to be announced) 
  • Full Conference registration for ONE individual.
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program

Conference Exhibitor Booth: 1,250 – exhibit for entire convention (SOLD OUT!)

Exhibit for two days (Thursday, October 24- Friday, October 25) at a cost of $1,250 and have a unique opportunity to receive special recognition. For being an exhibitor you will receive:

  • Logo on the AIA Oklahoma website through December 15, 2024
  • One 8′ x 6′ booth with a six-foot skirted display table with two chairs. 
  • Booth registration includes full conference registration for TWO INDIVIDUALS each day. Additional attendees can register at a discount of $200 per person.
  • Exhibitors can select their booth location once payment is made. (No refunds will be made once booth location is selected).
  • Opportunity to speak for 2 minutes at the start of a conference break-out program.
  • Opportunity to include literature or “goodies” in each conference goodie bag
  • Opportunity to attend the Thursday evening reception for booth and conference attendees.
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Company listing in conference program

Keynote Speaker Sponsor – $1,500 (SOLD OUT!)

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement at the start of the keynote presentation
  • Opportunity to introduce your company before the keynote presentation (2-3 minutes) 
  • Opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. 
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Company listing in conference program

Friday Lunch Keynote Sponsor – $1,500  (SOLD OUT)

  • Sponsorship acknowledgement at the Friday Luncheon
  • Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at the start of the luncheon program
  • Opportunity to introduce the keynote luncheon speaker.
  • Company name and logo recognition displayed at the luncheon
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2023
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Company listing in conference program

Conference Tote Bag Sponsor – $1,000 (SOLD OUT!)

  • Company name and logo displayed with AIA Oklahoma logo on tote bag given to all convention attendees
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee.
  • Opportunity to include literature or “goodies” in each conference goodie bags
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program
Lanyard Sponsor – $1,500  (SOLD OUT)
  • Company name / logo on the conference lanyards (used for the attendee name badges)  
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee.
  • Opportunity to include literature or “goodies” in each conference goodie bags
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program
Water Bottle – $1,500  (SOLD OUT)
  • Company name / logo on the conference water bottle (used at conference water station)
  • Full Conference registration for TWO individuals. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee.
  • Opportunity to include literature or “goodies” in each conference goodie bags
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program
WIFI Sponsor – $1000 (SOLD OUT) 
  • Your Company will be listed as the WiFi Sponsor.
  • Full Conference registration for ONE individual. Additional individual registrations may be purchased at a discounted rate of $200 per attendee.
  • Opportunity to include literature or “goodies” in each conference goodie bags
  • AIA Oklahoma membership list (electronic)
  • Sponsorship recognition on AIA Oklahoma website until December 15, 2024
  • Company listing in conference program
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