ARCPAC is a voluntary political action committee whose membership consists of architects. As a political action committee, ARCPAC complies with all state campaign reporting laws. The voluntary contributions ARCPAC receives are used to support candidates for state office who demonstrate their support for the architectural profession.
President's Circle Supporters ($500 & up)
Seth Cavin, AIA
Kristin Fasking, AIA
Brad Gaskins, AIA
Kevin Harrison, Assoc. AIA
Anthony McDermid, AIA
Al Pagano, AIA
Connie McFarland, FAIA
David Reed, AIA
PAC Champion Supporters ($250-$499)
Clay Dobbins, AIA
Rand Elliott, FAIA
Michael Hoffner, AIA
Douglas Huber
Mark Lamzik
Karen McCannell
Fred Niggemeyer, AIA
Matt Weber, AIA
Spencer Wilson, AIA
Investor's Club Supporters ($100-$249)
Shane Aaron, AIA
Gary Armbruster, AIA
Thomas Barczak, AIA
Jason Cady, AIA
Lisa Chronister, FAIA
David Clayton, AIA
Mark Gandy, AIA
Barry Goldstein, AIA
Clark Todd Gollotte, AIA
Sarah Gould, AIA
Carol Henderson, AIA
Doug Huber
Lisa Kelly, AIA
Kim Reeve, AIA
Keith Robertson, AIA
Ronald Frantz, FAIA
Terri Sadler
Fred Schmidt, FAIA
Melissa Skopak, AIA
Clark Todd Gollotte, AIA
Francis Wilmore, AIA
Mary Womble, AIA
Thank you for supporting the Architects Political Action Committee (ARCPAC). We are able to make a difference thanks to the support of our members and generous individual donors like you.